Brittany is Uneek in Brasil

I am the friend, cousin, colleague, or random person you can tell about your travels, and I will get excited for you! Shortly before Christmas, a close friend sent me a text about a trip to Brasil. I thought it was my friend telling me they were going to Brasil until the subsequent few texts revealed an invitation for me to join! I responded, “I’m going to say yes!”. I had a few weeks to figure out time off. I took the last week off of 2022 and knew my vacation bank would be low. But I had the plan to make it work!

“I’m going to say yes!”

The great thing about direct flights from Houston to Brasil (Rio de Janeiro or São Paulo) via United is they leave at night. I flew as a non-rev, and the flight had a seat for me. It was a pretty good seat too! I went to work on Monday, caught my flight that night, and took off for the remainder of the week.

I landed on the last day of Carnival in Brasil. The city had so much excitement–even so early in the morning. I arrived around nine and took an uber to the hotel. Outside the standard swimwear and Haviana flip-flops most wear in Rio, I saw tutus, glitter, feathers, and angel wings. After being dropped off at the hotel, my room wasn’t ready, but it didn’t stop me from wanting to explore, so I quickly changed into a swimsuit and hit Copacabana.

My friend flew in from São Paulo later that afternoon, and we met by our hotel pool. We saw the sights, relaxed, talked, laughed, and had countless caipirinhas.

My Highlights:

  • I received ashes on Ash Wednesday at Christ The Redeemer.
  • I drank caipirinhas all day. Literally, it was refreshing, and I didn’t feel drunk. Perfect summer, beachside drink.
  • The fresh coconut water. It is super hydrating and, honestly, doesn’t taste like coconut. I’m only fond of coconut water if I’m in Rio.
  • Being on a trip with a good friend where we both bask in being at an age where we can travel together, afford to have separate rooms, and not have to be out all night.

One response to “Brittany is Uneek in Brasil”

  1. Loved reading this
    What an exciting and spontaneous trip to Brasil! It’s always great to have a friend who invites you to join them on their travels. The highlights of your trip sound like memories that will last a lifetime.


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